Thinking of becoming a taxi driver?
Passing the SPSV taxi test isn't as easy as it may sound. Since its introduction in 2009, the pass rate has been less than 10%.
Passing the Area Knowledge and industry Knowledge tests is the biggest step between you and your chosen career.
Most people manage to pass the industry knowledge section of the exam, but you need to pass both the industry knowledge and the area knowledge to get your pass certificate, and to pass you need to achieve 80% in both exams.
Industry Knowledge has 54 Questions
Area Knowledge has 36 Questions
Its the Area Knowledge that people find the toughest to pass, many people concentrate all their preparation and study on Galway city itself, the the questions can often be from other smaller towns from anywhere in Galway County.
We have designed a practical training course to help you prepare for your test, outlining what towns you need to study and what knowledge is required on each town or city. The course also includes a package of maps plus pages of invaluable study material which outlines Over 580 Questions and Answers on Area knowledge alone plus an aditional 120 Questions on Industry knowledge.
The fee is only €150
Call us today on 086 8142736 to book
The course duration is only 3 hours and covers hundreds of questions on area knowledge for Galway city and county, we’ve researched and identified what and where the key places of interest are in each town, we’ve listed the information, making it easy to study and prepare for your test and to help you pass the test in the first attempt.
Book know call us today on: 086 8142736